The revival of Crystal Therapy in recent years demonstrates
a new frontier in complementary healing, but the use of crystals and minerals is not new. They have been used since time immemorial for religious ceremonies as well as healing.
Have you ever wondered
about the power of crystals? Did you know that crystals have the metaphysical power of healing? Using certain crystal methods,
crystal healing can help a number of physical problems. This metaphysical healing relies on the innate powers of healing crystals.
For example, rose quartz is great for emotional healing, amethyst crystals for headaches, malachite for the stomach, lapis
for anxiety, and jade for the heart…just to name a few.
How do crystals work? No one seems to know for sure. Tales
tell that they were first used in Atlantis. Crystals became important to the people of that civilization who believed in their
capacity to store and amplify any power source fed into them - physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Practitioners of
modern-day crystal therapy believe that the stones' ability to work as conductors allow them to focus energy via a person's
thoughts to stimulate healing - both physical and non-physical.
However, in addition to medical controversy as to their efficacy,
the use of crystals for healing is not an exact science. There is plenty of information available to describe which crystals
and gemstones are good for treating certain ailments or for the prevention of certain conditions. The problem is that much
of it appears contradictory.
Still, thousands of people world-wide swear by the use of
crystals for a variety of mental, emotional, and physical problems. There are numerous claims that they aid such in diverse
areas as harmonious relationships, allergies, and spiritual awakening.
Crystals are used in meditation and spiritual ceremonies,
laid on the body during types of massage or bodywork, when a person is resting, or placed in drinking or bathing waters. It
is claimed that an odd number of facets on the stone aid in healing, while an even number of facets create the best energizers.
Red, yellow, and orange stones are said to produce energy, clear and aquamarine stones are healers, and lavender and blue-violet
stones create calming effects.
Here is a list of commonly known crystals and their reputed
benefits. Please note that this information is not intended to replace any licensed medical or psychological treatment. No
guarantee is made towards validity, and the use of any crystals for the claims listed below is at your own risk.
Amethyst: Headaches, eyes, scalp, hair, pituitary gland, balancing blood
sugar. Psychic abilities, imagery. Purify and transmute negativity. Reduce anger, impatience, and nightmares. Spiritually
Aquamarine: Heart, immune system, thymus, lymph nodes. Calming, uplifting,
flexibility, innocence, joy, creativity, communication, self-knowledge, confidence, purpose. Releasing anxiety, fear, and
Carnelian: Circulatory system, kidneys, stimulate appetite, emotions, sexuality,
physical energy, celebration, reproductive system, menstrual cramps, arthritis, kidneys, gall bladder, pancreas. Confidence,
assertiveness, drive.
Citrine: Acid indigestion, food disorders, allergies. Cleansing spleen, kidneys,
liver, urinary system, intestines. Mental and emotional clarity, problem-solving, memory, willpower, optimism, confidence,
self-discipline. Reducing anxiety, fear, and depression.
Coral: Muscles, blood, heart, reproductive system, thyroid, metabolism, spine,
bone and tissue regeneration. Not to be used with high blood pressure. Protect and strengthen emotional foundation and enliven
Diamond: Increase personal clarity, trust, confidence. Amplify thoughts,
attitudes, strengths and weaknesses: Prosperity, generosity, love, spirituality.
Emerald: Respiratory system, heart, lymph nodes, blood, thymus, balance blood
sugar, childbirth, eyesight. Strengthen heart chakra for abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, monogamy, honesty.
Lift depression and insomnia.
Jade: Heart, thymus, immune, kidney and cleansing blood, nervous system.
Courage, knowledge, justice, compassion, emotional balance, humility, generosity, harmony, wealth, longevity.
Lapis: Anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, shyness, nervous system, speech,
hearing, pituitary, inflammation, pain. Mind expansion, intuition, creativity, spiritual connection. Organize, quiet the mind.
Malachite: Stomach, liver, kidney stones, respiratory system, immune system,
vision, circulatory system. Release pain, inflammation, depression, anger. Stimulate psychic vision, concentration.
Rose Quartz: Emotional balance, love, beauty, peacefulness, forgiving, kindness,
self-esteem. Emotional healing, loss, stress, hurt, fear, resentment, anger. Align mental, emotional, and astral bodies.
Ruby: Infections, cholesterol, blood clots, blood cleansing, impotency. Stimulate
circulation, menses, pituitary. Love, courage, confidence, vitality, stamina, strength, leadership, triumph over adversity.
Intensify all emotions.
Sapphire: Reducing inflammation, fevers, nosebleeds. Hearing problems, TB,
burns. Communication, depression, intuition, clairaudience, mental clarity and calm.
It is suggested that you should never let anyone touch your crystals.
Each crystal should be cleansed before use to clear any stored energy by either soaking it or burying it in the ground.
Have everything at room temperature. Soak the crystal in one cup sea salt dissolved in one quart of purified or spring water
in a glass bowl. Meditate and ask that the crystal be cleared. Soak from 15 minutes to one full day depending upon how many
people have touched the stone. Rinse under cool water and dry with cotton or silk.
Burying: Wrap the crystal
in cotton, silk, or linen and bury it in a place you feel comfortable. Leave at least 24 hours.
"Remove the rock from your shoe
rather than learn to limp comfortably".
Inneractions by Stephen C. Paul and Gary
Max Collins.